Easy Hakka recipes for everyday

My daughters are like many of you-–looking for recipes for a healthy dinner on a hectic schedule. They lead busy lives with small children who have active social calendars that rival their parents. Although my girls like to cook, their time is limited. I love it when they tell me they turn to The Hakka Cookbook for inspiration.

Often they look for a recipe they can use with food they have on hand. Sometimes they shop for a favorite recipe that has become a quick go-to weeknight dish such as Stir-fried Chinese Broccoli and Chicken (page 210).

Here are some of the quick and easy recipes that they have used from The Hakka Cookbook in the last few weeks. As you can see, they sometimes adapt the recipe to their family’s taste and the ingredients they have at the moment. You can do the same.

Stir-fried Long Beans with Pork with cook’s additional of cherry tomatoes (page 21)
Stir-fried Chicken and Cucumbers from The Hakka Cookbook
Garlic-Chile Eggplant Sticks (page 56)
Stir-fried Chicken and Cucumbers with cook’s substitution of cherry tomatoes for red chile slices (page 202)

Don’t let time stop you from eating well.

Hakka cooking lessons on Netflix

Recently, I stumbled across a Malaysian series, The Missing Menu on Netflix. This emotional drama features a Hakka widow who tries to bring her family together with her delicious food. Through cooking certain dishes she hopes to teach her children how to live life.

In each episode, she showcases two dishes, usually Hakka or Hokkien (her husband was Hokkien). At the end of each segment, a younger version of this Hakka chef demonstrates how to cook the featured dishes. Learn how to prepare Salt-baked Chicken, Pork Patty, Vinegar Pork Trotters, Ginger Duck, Pork Belly and Taro, and many more. She shares bits of Hakka history as she cooks. Check out The Missing Menu. In Chinese with English subtitles.

Easy, quick Hakka recipes for the family

Stir-fry seasoned ground pork with chunks of tofu and season with soy sauce for quick kid-friendly meal.

On my Facebook page I received a request for easy, fast, family friendly Hakka recipes from someone who owned The Hakka Cookbook. She had children and didn’t have time to find the easiest recipes. Over the years, I have pointed out a number of quick choices in this blog. Here’s one of the most kid-friendly meals that will not tax the most stressed cook.

Stir-fried Tofu and Pork Hash (page 123 in The Hakka Cookbook) takes the flavors of the Hakka classic, Stuffed Tofu (nyiong tiu fu in Hakka), and deconstructs the elements into a quick and easy stir-fry worthy of a weeknight family dinner. It’s so easy you almost don’t need a recipe. Just season some ground pork like you would when making stuffed tofu. Drain and crumble tofu into big chunks. Stir-fry the meat until browned and crumbly, add tofu, and soy sauce to taste. Cook until hot. Garnish with sliced green onions.

Stir-fried Iceberg lettuce and garlic
Stir-fry whole garlic cloves until golden, then add iceberg lettuce pieces and stir-fry just until slightly wilted.

Serve with Stir-fried Iceberg Lettuce and Garlic (page 27) or Chinese Broccoli with Sweet Rice Wine (page 230), or your favorite stir-fried greens. Add hot cooked rice and you have a quick, satisfying, and nutritious dinner for 3 or 4. The mild flavors will please young diners but are savory enough to satisfy adult tastes.

Hakka Food in Australia

Hakka migrated all over the world. While on a recent tour through Australia, I looked for a Hakka restaurant and found Wei Long, recommended by the Facebook group Hakka Australia. I was told the owners, Austen Wang and Kerry Yan, were Moiyan-born Hakka. Six years ago they immigrated to Australia. When they could not find Hakka food like they ate in Meizhou, they started this Hakka restaurant in Sydney.

Luckily, Wei Long was walking distance from our hotel. A few people from our tour group joined us for an impromptu dinner. There were many choices on their multi-page dinner menu. Because our small group had diverse tastes and some dietary restrictions, each person chose one dish to share. Here are a few dishes we tried. There are many more choices.

Hakka-style clams on a bed of pan-fried noodle coils

Hakka-style clams (not sure of how it was listed on the menu) brought stir-fried clams, flecked with a few red chile slices, in a savory sauce over a bed of pan-fried rice noodle coils. The noodles soaked up the sauce, yet maintained a slight crisp edge from panfrying.

A slow-cooked Stewed Meat Soup with Red Rice arrived in a small covered clay container. Red yeast rice, often used to color rice wine, imbued the soup with chunks of minced beef with a rusty red hue. It was hot, satisfying, and comforting. A simple stir-fry of prawns and cashews pleased all tastes.

Hakka Salt-buried Chicken at Wei Long

The moist, tender Salt-Buried Chicken was drizzled with a savory sauce that tasted of the musty camphor flavor of sand ginger (sha jiang).

My husband loves Sweet and Sour Pork so we tried Hakka-style Sweet and Sour Pork. Not sure what made it Hakka but it tasted lighter, fresher, and less cloying sweet than most versions.

If you’re in Sydney, Australia and want to try Hakka cuisine, visit Wei Long in the Central Business District.

Wei Long
Shop 330
289-295 Sussex St
Sydney New South Wales 2000
Phone number +61 2 9283 3570

Wei Long Hakka Cuisine lunch menu

Hakka influences Chaoshan cuisine

As the Hakka scattered throughout the world, they influenced local cuisines of their new homes. This became evident as I viewed the new beautifully filmed Chinese documentary series “Flavorful Origins” on Netflix. Season one focuses on Chaoshan (Teoswa), a coastal region in the eastern part of Guangdong province about 200 miles north of Hong Kong. Major cities in the region are Shantou, Chaozhou, and Jieyang. People who live there are also known as Teochew or Chiu Chow. As I viewed the series I saw how the Hakka influence Chaoshan cuisine. It’s no surprise because Hakka regions, Meizhou and Fujian lie nearby. In the Hakka diaspora, we find that neighbors often borrowed from each other.

In season 1, episode 10 we see the Hakka in Chaoshan introduced Lei Cha (aka Lui Cha). The locals embraced it and some created their own versions. Most grind sesame seeds, peanuts, and fresh green herbs such as mint, fennel, and dried tea leaves with a mortar and pestle to make a paste. Then they stir in hot water to create a green herbaceous tea. Some mix in a stir-fried mixture of fresh tea leaves and vegetables. Others might add a mixture of stir-fried peanuts and greens and popped rice. The choice of herbs and spices may vary.

I’ve only eaten lei cha in Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan. Each version differed depending on the cook and the region. Some were savory, others sweet. Find these recipes in The Hakka Cookbook (pages 99 and 119).

Look for other Hakka influences in this series directed by Chen Xiaoqing. It is narrated in Mandarin but there are English subtitles (have the pause button ready because the captions disappear from the screen very quickly). Or change your audio settings to English, if needed. The educational and luscious episodes run for less than 15 minutes. Savor this beautiful food documentary.

Healthy foods for Chinese New Year

Savory Pounded Tea Rice

Today is the 7th day of the Lunar New Year. According to ChineseAmericanFamily.com The seventh day commemorates Nu Wa, the ancient goddess who is believed to have created mankind from yellow clay. On this day, Chinese people eat healthy foods with auspicious meanings. For the Hakka, that dish might be lui cha (aka lei cha, thunder tea). Several variations exist from savory to sweet.

This dish claims to cure almost any health issue. This cure-all reputation originated almost 2000 years ago when in a crucial battle, a general ordered a Hakka doctor to treat his plaque-stricken troops. The doctor prescribed a tea made from pounded seeds, nuts, and tea leaves. When the sick troops drank the tea they miraculously recovered.

Vegetable Tea

In The Hakka Cookbook, you’ll find recipes for the Savory Pounded Tea Rice from Malaysia on page 119 and Pounded Tea with Sweets from Taiwan on page 99. Loh Sye Moi from Malaysia serves a simpler related soup-like dish she calls Vegetable Tea (page 113). Although it does not include tea leaves, it includes many vegetables and toasted seeds and nuts.

Many of the ingredients in these dishes have auspicious meanings. Green vegetables symbolize close family ties. Peanuts promote health, long life, prosperity, continuous growth, wealth and good fortune, stability. Seeds symbolize fertility. Walnuts promise happiness for the whole family.

On this day consider celebrating humans by eating foods that promote your good health. May the Year of the Pig bring you good health, prosperity, and abundance!

Foods for Chinese New Year

Photo by Dabin Lo

Thanks to everyone who braved the rain Monday night and showed up for my event at the Menlo Park Library. We had a good turnout. Everyone seemed to enjoy the presentation. It was especially rewarding for me to meet some fellow Hakka in the audience.

I gave a short introduction on the Hakka history and cuisine, followed by slides of traditions and foods for Chinese New Year. I ended by cooking three recipes from The Hakka Cookbook that might fit into a New Year dinner.

Here is one of the recipes I demonstrated. It is in The Hakka Cookbook but I increased the quantities slightly here so there would be more for tasting. This recipe was featured in the New York Times Magazine several years ago.

Photo by Dabin Lo

Stir-fried Pork and Pineapple (The Hakka Cookbook, p. 92)

This stir-fry from Taiwan is reminiscent of a lighter and fresher version of sweet and sour pork. Auspicious ingredients include crunchy black fungus that represents longevity. Pineapple symbolizes wealth, luck, excellent fortune, and luck in gambling. Pork offers strength, wealth, and abundant blessings.

Makes 3 servings as a main dish or 5 to 6 servings as part of a multicourse meal


12 ounces boneless pork shoulder, leg, or loin, trimmed of fat

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 1/2 teaspoons vegetable oil

1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch


3 tablespoons rice vinegar

1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce

3/4 teaspoon salt


12 pieces dried black fungus, such as cloud ears, each about 1 inch wide

5 green onions, including green tops, ends trimmed

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 tablespoons thinly slivered fresh ginger

12 ounces fresh pineapple, cut into 3/4-inch chunks (about 1 1/2 cups)

6 to 10 thin rings fresh chile (preferably red) such as jalapeno or Fresno (remove seeds, if you prefer less spicy heat)


1. For the pork: Thinly slice pork into strips about 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. In a small bowl, mix the pork with the soy sauce, oil, and cornstarch.

2. For the sauce: In a small bowl, mix the vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and salt.

3. For the stir-fry: Rinse the fungus. Soak the fungus in hot water until soft, 5 to 15 minutes, drain. Pinch out and discard any hard knobby centers. Cut the fungus into 1-inch pieces. Cut the green onions into 2-inch lengths. Cut thick ends in half lengthwise.

4. Set a 14-inch wok or 12-inch frying pan over high heat. When the pan is hot, after about 1 minute. Add the oil and rotate the pan to spread. Add the ginger and pork; stir-fry until meat is lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Add the pineapple, black fungus, sauce mixture, green onions, and chile. Stir-fry until the pineapple is hot, 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to serving dish.

Photo by Dabin Lo


Free Chinese New Year event tonight

Chinese New Year: Foods and Traditions: Tonight, Monday, February 4, 2019, I will be giving a talk/slide show/ cooking demo at the Menlo Park Library. I will also include an introduction about Hakka history and cuisine. Please join me tonight. Bring your friends.

Chinese New Year: Foods and Traditions

February 4, Monday, 6 to 7:30 pm

Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park, CA 94025

Contact: John Weaver jnweaver@menlopark.org 650-330-2501

Adults and teens only

Free, advance registration not needed

Chinese New Year Foods and Traditions

Happy Chinese New Year

Welcome to the Year of the Pig! Happy Chinese New Year! Khiung Hee Fat Choy! ????!

Join me as we usher in the lunar new year on Monday night, February 4 at the Menlo Park Library. Through photos and food, I will share Chinese New Year foods and traditions.  Also learn about my history and the story of China’s guest families known as the Hakka. Cooking demo and tastings included.

Chinese celebrate this period of renewal for 15 days with family reunions, festive banquets, symbolic decorations, red envelopes filled with money, and good wishes. Come and explore this joyful time. I look forward to seeing you. Bring your copy of The Hakka Cookbook for signing. A few copies will be available for purchase.

Chinese New Year: Foods and Traditions

February 4, Monday, 6 to 7:30 pm

Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park, CA 94025

Contact: John Weaver jnweaver@menlopark.org 650-330-2501

Adults and teens only

Free, advance registration not needed


Hakka stuffed chicken for Thanksgiving

Chicken with Preserved Greens from Hakka RestaurantAs Thanksgiving approaches I’m reminded of Chef Jin Hua Li’s Chicken stuffed with Preserved Mustard Greens at the Hakka Restaurant in San Francisco.

He stuffs a whole chicken with a mixture of preserved mustard greens, mushrooms, and pork. Then he browns and braises the whole bird in broth until tender. After removing the chicken from the pan, he boils the broth to reduce and concentrate flavors, then lightly thickens the savory liquid to create a sauce. He created this festive dish for Chinese New Years but it also reminds me of a Hakka variation of Thanksgiving turkey and gravy.

The flavors and ingredients have roots in Hakka cuisine. Preserved mustard greens (moi choi, mei cai) contribute a distinctive salty-sweet pungency to the dish. These same dry greens are used in the Hakka classic, pork belly with preserved mustard greens. Chef Li mixes this preserved vegetable with pork and mushrooms to create a savory stuffing.

If you’re having a small Thanksgiving dinner, consider making this Hakka Stuffed Chicken in lieu of turkey. My recipe adapted from Chef Li’s version is on page 233 of The Hakka Cookbook. Or if you live in San Francisco, order Chicken with Preserved Greens from Hakka Restaurant 415. 876. 6898 (one day advance notice).