Chinese translation of The Hakka Cookbook at the Taipei Book Fair

This week, Taiwan publishers SMC Books and Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council will introduce the Chinese translation of The Hakka Cookbook at the Taipei Book Fair. I will participate on an online introduction of this book. My talk will be translated into Chinese.

Chinese translation of The Hakka Cookbook
The Hakka Cookbook : Chinese translation by Taiwan publisher SMC Books

The University of California Press originally published The Hakka Cookbook, Chinese Soul Food from around the World in 2012. Because so much of the potential audience for the book would be Chinese readers, I hoped a publisher would buy the foreign translation rights. Luckily, In 2022, SMC Books bought the rights and began the translation.

Last summer, Taiwan publishers SMC Books and Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council jointly released the Chinese translation of The Hakka Cookbook. I wrote the book especially for those who wanted to know more about their Hakka history, and cultural and culinary heritage. Hopefully, this Chinese translation reaches more Hakka and a wider audience around the world.

Purchase the Chinese translation of The Hakka Cookbook at SMC Books.