alan@work, a film about Alan Lau, the artist, poet, produce worker

Self portrait by Alan Lau,
artist, poet, produce worker
Self portrait by Alan Lau

This documentary tells the multi-faceted story about my brother, Alan Lau. Alan created the art for The Hakka Cookbook. His art for the book was a mere sketch of his artistic talent as seen in this film. Alan is an artist, poet, produce worker, community leader, and arts editor.

Art for The Hakka Cookbook by Alan Lau
Paintings by Alan Lau for The Hakka Cookbook. Some are in the film, alan@work

The film, alan@work was recently shown at the Seattle International Film Festival. If you missed the theater showings, you can stream it for a short time until the festival ends May 28, 2023. You can buy streaming tickets here.

Alan worked as a produce worker at Uwajimaya in Seattle for many years. The produce inspired him to create art and poems that resulted in the book blues and greens: a produce worker’s journal. The publisher University of Hawaii Press is selling the remaining books at a bargain price of $1. at this site.