Happy Birthday to The Hakka Cookbook! The month marks the 10th anniversary of The Hakka Cookbook. I’m so happy that the book is still in print. It has never been a best seller, but has gained fans among the Hakka population and continues to sell consistently. It has been reprinted at least four times.
On this significant anniversary, let’s look back on the journey of the creation and life of The Hakka Cookbook.
- 2004: I began developing the concept and plan for this book. Interviewed Hakka in Malaysia, Singapore, and Hawaii.
- 2005: Went on a Hakka scouting trip to China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
- 2006: Worked on the book proposal. Interviewed Hakka in Peru and Toronto, Canada. In March, I found a cookbook agent.
- 2007: Worked on the book, researched, and tested recipes. After 1 ½ years, ended my contract with the agent. Decided to sell the manuscript myself.
- 2008: Went to my first Toronto Hakka Conference. Found a publisher!
- 2009: Publisher canceled contract due to economic downturn. Continued working on the book and looked for a new publisher.
- 2010: University of California Press accepted my proposal!
- 2011: Edited the book. Forwarded my brother’s art to publisher.
- July 2012: First copy of The Hakka Cookbook landed on my doorstep on my birthday.
- September 2012 : Books arrived from printer in China. The Hakka Cookbook officially debuted at the Asian Art Museum on September 29.
- October to November 2012: Book parties and events. Interviews and articles appeared in local press. Book tour in the Northwest; many with my brother and artist, Alan Lau.
- November to December 2012: National press: Wall Street Journal. The Hakka Cookbook included on “Favorite or Best of 2012 Cookbook lists”: Saveur, Martha Stewart, Associated Press, The Globe and Mail.
- February 23, 2013 The Hakka Cookbook tied for the Best Chinese Cuisine Cookbook in World at Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
- May 19, 2013 The Hakka Cookbook appeared in the New York Times in The Nomad’s Kitchen by Mark Bittman.
- March 3, 2014: Asia Society Northern California sponsored an event: Chinese Soul Food: Hakka Cuisine at M.Y. China in San Francisco, featuring Martin Yan.
- 2014 to 2018: Various presentations, classes, and talks. The Hakka Cookbook appeared in numerous publications:
- 2021: Taiwan publisher SMC Publishing Inc. bought foreign rights to publish The Hakka Cookbook. Look for the Chinese version of The Hakka Cookbook in 2023.
Best Chinese Cookbook in the World
Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2012
Is this Hakka Cookbook available in Malaysia? What is the official price?
The Hakka Cookbook has been available at
However it looks like it currently is out of stock. I don’t know if this is a temporary situation. Perhaps they will have more in stock soon.
It looks like it is in stock in Singapore: https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9780520273283
The official publisher’s price is $39.95 US dollars. However the price varies depending on where and when you buy it.
Thanks for your interest.
Congratulations. The Hakka Cookbook is one I share with friends. I’ve also given it as gifts. And I wear my Hakka tee shirt with pride.
Thanks Ginny! You are the best cheerleader.