About The Hakka Cookbook

The Hakka Cookbook (med)

Veteran food writer Linda Lau Anusasananan opens the world of Hakka cooking to Western audiences in this fascinating chronicle that traces the rustic cuisine to its roots in a history of multiple migrations. Beginning in her grandmother’s kitchen in California, Anusasananan travels to her family’s home in China, and from there fans out to embrace Hakka cooking across the globe—including  Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Peru, and beyond. More than thirty home cooks and chefs share their experiences of the Hakka diaspora as they contribute over 140 recipes for everyday Chinese comfort food as well as more elaborate festive specialties.

This book likens Hakka cooking to a nomadic type of “soul food,” or a hearty cooking tradition that responds to a shared history of hardship and oppression. Earthy, honest, and robust, it reflects the diversity of the estimated 75 million Hakka living in China and greater Asia, and in growing communities around the world—yet still retains a core flavor and technique. Anusasananan’s deep personal connection to the tradition, together with her extensive experience testing and developing recipes, make this book both an intimate journey of discovery and an exciting introduction to a vibrant cuisine.

Art by her brother, Alan Lau, gracefully guides the reader throughout the book. University of California Press published The Hakka Cookbook in 2012.

The Hakka Cookbook recognized as "Best Chinese Cuisine Cookbook of the World 2013" by Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
“Best Chinese Cuisine Cookbook of the World”

The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards recognized The Hakka Cookbook as the “Best Chinese Cuisine Cookbook” in 2013.


8 thoughts on “About The Hakka Cookbook

  1. Thanks for such a great book. Never realized how much Hakka cooking was drilled into me by family all these years. Born 1946, Honolulu, HI. 100% Hakka, 5th generation to live in Hawaii, 3rd generation born. Now live in NY, discovering my roots. Thanks for starting me on the journey.

  2. Pingback: Searching for your Chinese family history - The Hakka CookbookThe Hakka Cookbook

    • Mary, I have been traveling and sent you an email message with this information. In case you didn’t receive it, I am repeating it here: This link lists some places to buy The Hakka Cookbook.
      You can buy online at many places including amazon.com. You can ask your local book store to order the book for you.
      If you have a problem, let me know where you live.
      Thanks for your interest. Linda

  3. Pingback: Gifts for the aspiring Chinese chef - The Hakka Cookbook %The Hakka Cookbook

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