Hakka Cookbook Events

Linda Lau Anusasananan with her book, The Hakka Cookbook, Chinese Soul Food from around the World

Hakka Cookbook at Menlo Park LibraryPast Events

February 7, 2025, speaker at Taipei Book Fair 2025.

September 18, 2022, Keynote Speaker at the 2022 International Symposium on Hakka Food Culture at the Taiwan Hakka Cultural Center, Taiwan.

February 4, 2019, Monday, 6 to 7:30 pm. Chinese New Year: Foods and Traditions, Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Slide show and talk, cooking demo, and tasting. Free, advance registration not needed. Adults and teens only. Contact: 650. 330. 2501, John Weaver  jnweaver@menlopark.org

August 13, 2018, Monday, 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Hakka Soul Food, Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Slide show and talk, cooking demo, and tasting. Free. Contact: 650. 330. 2501, John Weaver  jnweaver@menlopark.org

November 13, 2016, Sunday, 3 to 6 pm. A Literary Feast, Ferry Building Mezzanine, Embarcadero at the foot of Market Street, San Francisco. Meet cookbook authors, taste samples of their recipes, buy signed copies of their books at this event sponsored by Les Dames d’Escoffier San Francisco. Advance tickets $10 at www.cellarpass.com or $12 at the door.

February 20, 2016, Saturday, 2 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, East Palo Alto Library, 2415 University Ave., East Palo Alto, CA 94303. 650. 321. 7712, ext. 225. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Book sales and signing. Cooking demo and tasting. Free.

February 9, 2016, Tuesday, 6:30 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, Millbrae Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae, CA 94030. 650. 697. 7607. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Book sales and signing. Cooking demo and tasting. Free. Advance registration is required. Sign up HERE or at the Library information desk.

February 11, 2016, Thursday, 6:30 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, Foster City Library, 1000 E. Hillsdale Ave., Foster City, CA 94404. 650. 574. 4842, ext. 235. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Book sales and signing. Cooking demo and tasting. Free. Advance registration required. Sign up at Library information desk.

February 3, 2016, Wednesday, 7 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos, CA 94070. 650. 591. 0341, ext. 237. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Book sales and signing. Cooking demo and tasting. Free.

October 17, 2016, Saturday, 3 pm. Hakka Cuisine, Iris & B Gerald Cantor Film Center, New York University, 36 E 8th St New York, NY, 10003. Talk and slide show on Hakka food around the world. Part of the New York Hakka Conference. Registration required.

February 25, 2015, Wednesday, 7 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos, CA 94070. 650. 591. 0341. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Cooking demo and tasting. Free. Spaces limited. Advance sign up required. 

February 26, 2015, Thursday, 6:30 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, Foster City Library, 1000 E. Hillsdale Ave., Foster City, CA 94404. 650. 574. 4842. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Cooking demo and tasting. Free. Spaces limited. Advance sign up required. 

March 4, 2015, Wednesday, 6 pm. Cooking Asian with Linda Anusasananan, Millbrae Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae, CA 94030. 650. 697. 7607. Talk and slide show on Hakka history and food and Chinese New Year traditions. Cooking demo and tasting. Free. Spaces limited. Advance sign up required. 

May 7, 2014, Wednesday, 10 am. Friends of Saratoga Library Author Series. Saratoga Library, Community Room, 13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga, CA 95070. 408. 867. 6126. Talk, slides, book sales and signing.  Free and open to public.

March 3, 2014, Monday, 6 to 8 pm. Asia Society Northern California Event: Chinese Soul Food: Hakka Cuisine featuring Martin Yan and Linda Lau Anusasananan at M.Y. China, Westfield San Francisco Centre, 645 Market St., Level 4, San Francisco, CA. Yan and Anusasananan collaborate on an exclusive, one-of-kind family-style dinner drawing from Hakka traditions. They will discuss Hakka history, the cuisine, and the menu. Book sales and signing. Asia Society members $75, non-members $90 (gratuity not included). Limited seating.

November 2, 2013, Saturday, 1 to 4 pm. An Author Faire at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, 150 E. San Fernando St., San Jose 95112. 408. 808. 2397.  Meet and talk with thirty Bay Area authors, including Anusasananan. Book sales and signing. Free and open to public.

October 26, 2013, Saturday, 2 pm. San Francisco Public Library Sunset Branch, Children’s Area, 1305 18th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122. 415. 355. 2088. Talk, slides, book sales and signing.  Free and open to public.

October 10, 2013, Thursday, 7 pm. Cupertino Library Story Room, 10800 Torre Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014. Talk, slides, book sales and signing. 408 446. 1677. Free and open to public.

September 14, 2013, Saturday, 10:30 am. Culinary Historians of Southern California, Los Angeles Public Library, Mark Taper Auditorium, Downtown Central Library, 630 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, CA. 213. 228. 7000. Talk, slides, book sales and signing. Free and open to public.

July 9, 2013, Tuesday, 6:30 pm. Hakka Restaurant, 4401-A Cabrillo Street (Corner of 45th Avenue), San Francisco, CA 94121. 415. 876. 6898. San Francisco.  San Francisco Les Dames d’Escoffier Event. Members and guests only, limited to 40. Talk, dinner, book sales, and signing.

June 19, 2013, Wednesday, 6 to 7:30 pm. University Press Books/Berkeley, 2430 Bancroft Way (between Telegraph and Dana), Berkeley, CA 94704. 510. 548. 0585. Tasting, talk, slides, book sales and signing. RSVP only $10.

April 24, 2013, Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Multnomah County Library, Holgate Meeting Room, 7905 SE Holgate Blvd., Portland, OR 97206. 503. 988. 5394. Talk, slides, book sales and signing. Free.

April 25, 2013, Thursday, 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Multnomah County Library, North Portland Meeting Room, 512 N. Killingsworth Street, Portland, OR 97217. 503. 988. 5394. Talk, slides, book sales, and signing. Free.

April 27, 2013. Saturday, Noon, Kobo at Higo, 604 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104. 604. 381. 3000. Talk, slides, book sales, and signing. Free.

April 28, 2013, Sunday, 2 pm. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, 578 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC. V6B 5K2, Canada. 604. 662. 3207. ext. 206. Talk, slides, book sales, and signing. Free entrance to this book event at Carrall Street. To visit garden, buy admission ticket at main entrance.

April 9, 2013, Tuesday, 1:30 to 3:00 pm. IACP 35 San Francisco Annual Conference 2013, Session GST 102: Beyond Takeout: Stories and Strategies for Changing How America Eats and Cooks Chinese Food. Hyatt Regency, San Francisco. Included in conference registration.

April 3, 2013, Wednesday, 7 pm. Burlingame Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame, CA 94010. 650. 558. 7434. Talk and book/sales/signing. Free.

March 22, 2013, Friday, 7 pm. Teance Fine Teas, 1780 Fourth St, Berkeley, California 94710. Talk, recipe sampling, book, sales, and signing. $12.

March 19, 2013. Tuesday, 7 pm. Hakka Restaurant, 4401-A Cabrillo Street (Corner of 45th Avenue), San Francisco, CA 94121. 415. 876. 6898. San Francisco Professional Food Society Traveling Table Event. Members and guests, limited to 40. Talk, dinner, book sales, and signing.

March 16, 2013, Saturday, 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Chinatown/Him Mark Lai Branch of the San Francisco Public Library, Chinatown Meeting Room, 1135 Powell St. San Francisco, CA 94108, 415. 355. 2888. Talk, slides, and book sales and signing. Free.

January 18, 2013, 11 am to noon. Class at Women Chefs & Restauranteurs (WCR). Sir Frances Drake Hotel, San Francisco. Free with paid conference registration.

December 10, 2012, Monday, 5 pm. ACCT Christmas Dinner at All Season, 5238 Diamond Heights Blvd., San Francisco, CA.

December 6, 2012, Thursday, 6:30 pm. San Mateo Main Library, Laurel Room, 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94402. 650. 522. 7802. Free.

November 17, 2012, Saturday, 4 pm. Wing Luke Museum, 719 S. King St., Seattle, WA 98104.  206. 623. 5124. Alan Lau, the artist, will also be present. Free with donation for museum admission.

November 16, 2012, Friday, 7 pm. Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122.  206. 624. 6600. Alan Lau, the artist, will also be present. Free.

November 14, 2012, Wednesday, 6:30 pm. Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1H6, Canada. 604. 688. 6755. Free.

November 10, 2012, Saturday, 2 pm. Francine Seders Gallery, 6701 Greenwood Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98103.  206. 782. 0355. Alan Lau, the artist, will also be present. Free.

November 9, 2012, Friday, time 6:30 pm. Book Larder, 4252 Fremont Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98103.  206. 397. 427. The artist, Alan Lau, will also be present. Free.

November 8, 2012, Thursday, 12 pm noon. Lan Su Chinese Garden, NW 3rd and Everett, Portland, OR 97209. 503. 228. 8131. Free with admission to garden.

October 24, 2012,  Wednesday, 6 to 7 pm.  Omnivore Books, 3885A Cesar Chavez Street (at Church St.), San Francisco, CA 94131.  415. 595. 2537. Free.

October 21, 2012, Sunday, 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Eastwind Books of Berkeley, 2066 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704.  510. 548. 2350. Free.

September 30, 2012, Sunday, 5:30 pm. Tsung Tsin Association Dinner, Mandalay Restaurant, 1055 Alakea Street, Honolulu, HI

September 29, 2012, Saturday, 1 pm. Asian Art Museum, Samsung Hall, 200 Larkin St., San Francisco, CA 94102. 415. 581. 3716

July 1, 2012, Sunday Toronto Hakka Conference:  Presentation on Modern Hakka Cuisine, a Global View


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